Transformative Travel
“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”
Henry Miller
We all agree that travelling can have a huge impact on our lives, that’s not a secret. However, only in recent years we have become familiar with the concept of transformational travel, a fast-growing travel trend that has raise more awareness on the transformative power of travel.
I have lived myself transformative experiences during my travels (as you can read in this article) so I have decided to share with you in this section, not only my personal experience but also interviews with other transformative travellers.
What does transformative travel mean?
According to the Transformational Travel Council “transformative experiences empower people to make meaningful, lasting changes in their life”.
A journey doesn’t end in the destination but it continues once the traveller is back home and decides to make changes into his/her life.
This doesn’t necessary mean to turn your life upside down, sometimes small changes are implied related to your life style, consumption habits, or your relationships.
What’s new then?
Though we have always been aware of the transformative power of travelling, nowadays there is a deeper awareness of this process both in the traveller who has a clear travel motivation in mind and in the destination and tour operators who carefully design experiences that go beyond the simple exploration of a territory but can trigger a reflection and transformation.
How to organize a transformative travel?
It’s not easy to write down a list of the best transformative destinations or experiences because we all have different needs and motivations to undertake a transformative trip. For this reason most tour operators offer a one-to-one consultancy creating a tailormade itinerary.
Why do you want to take a transformative travel? What do you expect? What changes would you like to bring into your life?
These are the sort of questions you should start with, as well as understand if you intend to travel solo (learn more on how a solo trip can change your life) or prefer to join a group. There are several small group experiences accompanied by a tour leader who also acts as a sort of mentor making sure that every participant is making the most out of the experience. The interaction and sharing with the other components of the group can be a great plus too.
Have you ever asked yourself why you may find it easier to discuss private and intimate matters with strangers instead of with family members or close friends?
I found myself more than once talking about my life doubts and expectations with travel mates (as I mention in this article of transformative travel stories).
I have come to the conclusion that we find ourselves at ease with strangers because we don’t feel judged so we talk more openly, as if we are sending a message in a bottle into the ocean that nobody will ever read. We feel welcomed and safe somehow.
If you are planning to take a transformative trip I invite you first to reply honestly to the above questions with an open heart and be prepared to honour your intentions once you will be back Home.
If you are after some tips or travel suggestions, contact me at
How to organize a Transformative travel?
It’s not easy to write down a list of the best transformative destinations or experiences because we all have different needs and motivations to undertake a transformative trip. For this reason most tour operators offer a one-to-one consultancy creating a tailormade itinerary.
Why do you want to take a transformative travel? What do you expect? What changes would you like to bring into your life?
These are the sort of questions you should start with, as well as understand if you intend to travel solo (learn more on how a solo trip can change your life) or prefer to join a group. There are several small group experiences accompanied by a tour leader who also acts as a sort of mentor making sure that every participant is making the most out of the experience. The interaction and sharing with the other components of the group can be a great plus too.
Have you ever asked yourself why you may find it easier to discuss private and intimate matters with strangers instead of with family members or close friends?
I found myself more than once talking about my life doubts and expectations with travel mates (as I mention in this article of transformative travel stories).
I have come to the conclusion that we find ourselves at ease with strangers because we don’t feel judged so we talk more openly, as if we are sending a message in a bottle into the ocean that nobody will ever read. We feel welcomed and safe somehow.
If you are planning to take a transformative trip I invite you first to reply honestly to the above questions with an open heart and be prepared to honour your intentions once you will be back Home.
If you are after some tips or travel suggestions, contact me at
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